v You
will be writing a Gothic short story. Your story must include a theme (central idea) of dualism, such as a character struggling
with the good and evil within him or her, like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
v Your
short story will need a main character, a Gothic setting, an interesting conflict,
and an eventual resolution to the conflict.
v For
some help in planning your story, follow the basic story plot formats below.
v Your
story must be 2 double-spaced pages in length, typed and printed. The first
draft will be due in class on September 28. On that day, we will have a peer
revision workshop in which you and your classmates will exchange stories and offer
feedback/suggestions for revision.
v On
October 5, you will need to come to class with your final draft, original
draft, and classmates’ feedback in a neat, organized stack. You will be graded
on this, so don’t lose any of these important elements. You will also give a
brief presentation of one part of your story for the entire class, which will
be graded as a quiz.
v You
may add illustrations and/or photos to help bring your story to life, but you
must follow the guidelines of MLA for formatting.
v Above
all else, I’ll be looking at your work for creativity, effort, and a clear
understanding of the Gothic. Altogether, this project is worth a test grade AND
a quiz grade.