- Your presentation must be at least five minutes in length and include a visual portion (PowerPoint, Prezi, handout, etc.)
- Every member must present a portion of the lesson -- no one should be standing up there doing nothing
- When you work in your groups, you must be WORKING -- that means focused, on task, in a seat, and only speaking to those in your group. In addition to your group's project grade, I will be giving you an individual grade based on your conduct and contribution to the group
- WORK TOGETHER AND IN CLASS -- Don't just assign things for people to do--work together. Don't sit there and play games on your iPad or say you're going to do the work later. This is an in-class project, so it needs to be completed in class. There's always something you could be doing that is productive for the sake of your project. Sit together. Communicate clearly. Value everyone's ideas and negotiate in a professional manner.
- The News Section will teach Seek Truth and Report It
- The Sports Section will teach Minimize Harm
- The Lifestyle Section will teach Act Independently
- The Entertainment Section will teach Be Accountable
Click HERE to view the Society of Professional Journalists' Code of Ethics.
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